Monday, January 14, 2008

Pet Peeves

Hello Good Citizens!!! Or, yo dudes!! It's your good old friend Chuck and I'm here to express some of my views on things. People write books all the time and since I don't read books, personal choice, I'm going to write my thoughts on the internet and impose them on you the readers.

I remember a while back when a friend of mine who should be nameless *cough cough Scott cough cough* decided to write up a list of his pet peeves. Yeah well thats what I'm going to write about.

First on the list is the phrase "Going Green." Ugh. I swear every time I think of this I just wanna throw up. Seriously, shut up. When a company or group states that they are "going green," it satisfies maybe 2% of people. I could care less. In the Towers last year, there was a sign with a website that would tell how many earths would be needed if everyone lived like you. I never tried it, but everytime i read that sign it just make me leave all the lights on at all times and turn up the AC when it was hot and the Heat when it was cold. Take that greenies!!

Next would be people who spend too much time on myspace who are over the age of 17. Seriously, it's a website of teens who try to show off how provocative they can be. Plus, it just makes me think of a bunch of petter asses as seen on To Catch a Predator.

People who are Cowboy fans who live in Delaware. Why are you Cowboys fans? You probably have never even been to Texas. In fact, can you name the capital of Texas??

Grey's Anatomy. It's a prime time soap opera. How can guys watch this?

American Idol. Yeah, the first few episodes are funny, then the rest is stupid. Why is it called American Idol anyways? I do not idolize them. It's false advertisement. Should be called American Karaoke. Plus, have any of the winners actually been famous?? Yeah they have a record deal, but so does Nickelback. Enough said.

The obsession with the NFL. Seriously, why do people make football into the biggest sport in the world. I mean its a game with a 20 week season, with games scheduled for 2 days a week. Oh wait, I forgot about the NFL network which is gayer than gay and decided to schedule games on Thursday too. Oh, whats that, Saturday as well. And the thing I hate the most about it is that ESPN will seriously have NFL live on during May or June, or July. Theres nothing going on in football then. Show more Baseball highlights for god sakes.

People who drive slow in the left lane. You do know that slower traffic stays to the right, right?? Also, why do people stare at accidents? If you were the one on the side of the road, would you want people staring at you?

People who don't answer their phones. Do you not want to talk to me or are you just too lazy to answer?

People who complain about lines at the grocery store. Seriously, when you go to the grocery store on the weekend, you should expect it to be busy. If not you should be clubbed.

Well it appears that my mind is shutting down, there are many more that i just can't quite think of right now.

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